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Install Visage
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826 lines
; $VER: Install_Visage 39.3 (3.12.95)
; Installer script for Visage.
; Get current language (no need for lots of silly icons! ;). However, this
; won't properly work for all versions of the Installer. Some doesn't
; understand the language "default". :/
(if (= (exists "Env:Language") 1)
; GetEnv reports "String too long" if the variable doesn't exist! :(
(set @language (getenv "language"))
; English strings
; .ct
(set default-lang 1)
(set #bad-kick
"You must have AmigaOS Release 3.0 or newer to use Visage."
(set #welcome
"\n\n\nWelcome to the Visage installation utility.\n\n"
"This program lets you install Visage on your Amiga.\n\n\n"
"Visage © 1995 Magnus Holmgren."
(set #install-parts "Please select the parts you wish to install")
(set #item-visage "Visage")
(set #item-visage-guide "Visage.guide")
(set #item-locale "Translations")
(set #item-codec "JPEG codec")
(set #item-getmodeid "GetModeID")
(set #item-kill "Kill")
(set #item-makelink "MakeLink")
(set #item-unpackilbm "UnpackILBM")
(set #install-parts-help
" Here you select the different parts of Visage that you would like to "
"install. After that, you select the details of the installation (such as "
"where the different files should be installed). You may choose to install "
"the following items:\n"
" Visage: The actual picture viewer.\n"
" Visage.guide: The manual, in AmigaGuide® format. If you install it "
"using the installer, the text will reflow to fit the current window size. "
"If you do a manual installation, the text is fixed to 76 columns.\n"
" Translations: If you install a translation, then Visage can operate in "
"the language(s) you select.\n"
" JPEG codec: The Tower JPEG Codec Class, which Visage needs to be able "
"to view JPEG pictures (without using datatypes).\n"
" GetModeID: A program that shows a screen mode requester, and prints "
"a decimal number that represents the selected screen mode.\n"
" Kill: A program that can stop another program (sending \"break\" "
"signals). Similar to Break.\n"
" MakeLink: A replacement for the MakeLink command that supports "
"soft links.\n"
" UnpackILBM: A program that unpacks the picture data in an IFF ILBM "
"picture (the BODY chunk).\n"
" For more information about these parts, please read the manual.\n"
(set #where-visage "Where would you like to install Visage?")
(set #where-visage-guide "Where would you like to install Visage.guide?")
(set #copy-guide-icon "Should I copy the icon for Visage.guide?")
(set #convert-guide "Converting Visage.guide...")
(set #which-language "Which languages should be installed?")
(set #which-language-help
" The Amiga can be operated in many different languages. If you "
"want Visage to use the same language as your Amiga Workbench, "
"then a couple of catalog files must be copied to your harddisk "
"for each language supported.\n"
" To reduce the amount of space consumed by the language files, "
"you can select to have only the files of specific languages "
" Simply check the boxes of the languages you wish to have have "
"available on your system.\n"
(set #where-tools "Where would you like to install the extra programs?")
(set #where-tools-help
" Here you specify where the programs GetModeID, Kill and UnpackILBM "
"will be installed. Only the programs you selected will be copied. Since "
"these programs are Shell-only, the default location is C:, where the "
"systems Shell-only programs can be found.\n"
" It is recommended that you install these programs somewhere in "
"your command search path.\n"
(set #copy "Copying %s to %s...")
(set #program-update "How do you want to update the tooltypes in the icon?")
(set #update-none "No update")
(set #update-all "Add all")
(set #update-since "Add new since %s")
(set #program-update-help
" Since this installation updated an older version of Visage, "
"the icon have not been copied over. This to maintain any changes "
"you may have made to it. However, new tooltypes may have been added. "
"Here you can decide if you want to:\n"
" No update: Skip this part.\n"
" Add all tooltypes: existing tooltypes will not be changed "
"Any tooltypes you may have removed will be added again. The new "
"tooltypes will be added as well.\n "
" Add new since 39.x: Only add the new tooltypes since that version. "
"Any existing tooltype not be changed.\n"
; JPEG codec
(set #codec-message
"\n\n\nTower JPEG Codec Class\n\nCopyright © 1994 Christoph Feck, TowerSystems\n"
"All Rights Reserved.\n\n\n\n"
"Please refer to the documentation for details."
(set #jpeg-tmp-prompt
"Select a directory for temporary files, not in RAM:"
(set #temp-file
" To decode certain JPEG images, the Codec needs a large amount of memory.\n"
"If the required storage is not available in main memory, the Codec will "
"create a temporary file on your harddisk. The volume on which this file is "
"created should have enough free space (about 4 meg).\n"
" A temporary file is usually only required, if you want to quantize "
"JPEG images to 256 colors.\n\n"
(set #jpeg-startup-prompt
"An assignment has to be added to your user-startup."
(set #make-assign
" The logical assignment \"JPEGTMP:\" is used to refer to the temporary "
" In order to make this assignment available on every reboot, an "
"\"Assign\" command has to be added to your \"user-startup\" file.\n\n"
(set #jpeg-copy "Copying %s...")
; French strings
; .ct
(if (= @language "francais")
(set default-lang 2)
; Italian strings
; .ct
(if (= @language "italiano")
(set default-lang 4)
; Norwegian strings
; .ct
(if (= @language "norsk")
(set default-lang 8)
; Finnish strings
; .ct
(if (= @language "suomi")
(set default-lang 16)
; Swedish strings
; .ct
(if (= @language "svenska")
(set default-lang 32)
(set #bad-kick
"Du måste ha AmigaOS version 3 eller nyare för att kunna använda Visage."
(set #welcome
"\n\n\nVälkommen till Installeraren.\n\n"
"Det här programmet låter dig installera Visage i din Amiga.\n\n\n"
"Visage © 1995 Magnus Holmgren."
(set #install-parts "Välj de delar du vill installera:")
(set #item-visage "Visage")
(set #item-visage-guide "Visage.guide")
(set #item-locale "Översättningar")
(set #item-codec "JPEG codec")
(set #install-parts-help
" Här väljer du de olika delar av Visage som du vill installera. "
"Efter det anger du detaljer om installationen (såsom var de olika "
"filerna ska installeras). Du kan välja mellan följande delar:\n"
" Visage: Själva bildvisaren.\n"
" Visage.guide: Manualen, i AmigaGuide®-format. Om du installerar "
"den med Installeraren, så kommer texten att formateras om efter "
"fönstrets aktuella storlek. Om du installerar den manuellt, så "
"är texten fixerad vid 76 kolumner.\n"
" Översättningar: Om du installerar en översättning, så kan "
"Visage använda det språket.\n"
" JPEG codec: \"The Tower JPEG Codec Class\". Visage behöver "
"den här för att kunna visa JPEG-bilder.\n"
" GetModeID: Ett program som visar en skärmlägesväljare, och "
"sedan skriver ut ett decimalt tal som motsvarar det valda "
" Kill: Ett program som kan stoppa andra program (genom att "
"skicka \"break\"-signaler). Liknar Break.\n"
" UnpackILBM: Ett program som packar upp bilddatan i en IFF ILBM "
"bild (BODY \"chunken\").\n"
" För mer information om de här sakerna, se manualen.\n"
(set #where-visage "Var vill du installera Visage?")
(set #where-visage-guide "Var vill du installera Visage.guide?")
(set #copy-guide-icon "Ska jag kopiera ikonen för Visage.guide?")
(set #convert-guide "Konverterar Visage.guide...")
(set #which-language "Vilka språk ska installeras?")
(set #which-language-help
" Amigan kan arbeta med flera olika språk. Om du vill att "
"Visage ska använda samma språk som Amiga Workbench så "
"måste en så kallad katalogfil kopieras till din systemdisk "
"för varje språk.\n"
" För att minimera diskutrymmet för språkfiler kan du välja "
"att bara installera filerna för vissa språk.\n"
" Markera bara rutorna för de språk du önskar installera i "
"din dator.\n"
(set #where-tools "Var vill du installera de extra programmen?")
(set #where-tools-help
" Här anger du var programmen GetModeID, Kill och UnpackILBM "
"ska installeras någonstans. Bara de program som du valde "
"tidigare kommer att kopieras. Eftersom de här programmen bara "
"kan användas från ett skal, så är den förvalda destinationen C:, "
"eftersom systemets \"skalprogram\" finns där. Det rekommenderas "
"att du installerar dessa program någonstans i sökvägen för "
(set #copy "Kopierar %s till %s...")
(set #program-update "Hur vill du uppdatera verktygstyperna i ikonen?")
(set #update-none "Uppdatera inte")
(set #update-all "Lägg till alla")
(set #update-since "Lägg till nya sedan %s")
(set #program-update-help
" Eftersom den här installationen uppdaterade än gammal version "
"av Visage, så har ikonen inte kopierats. Detta för att bibehålla "
"eventuella ändringar som du kan ha gjort. Men nya verktygstyper kan "
"ha tillkommit. Här kan du avgöra vad du vill göra:\n"
" Uppdatera inte: Hoppa över detta.\n"
" Lägg till alla: Lägg till alla verktygstyper. Existerande "
"verktygstyper kommer inte att ändras.\n"
" Lägg till nya sedan 39.x: Lägg bara till de nya "
"verktytstyperna. Eventuella existerande verktygstyper "
"kommer inte att ändras.\n"
; JPEG codec
(set #temp-file
" För att packa upp vissa JPEG-bilder, så behöver Codec:en "
"mycket minne.\n"
" Om det inte finns nog med plats i huvudminnet, så kommer "
"Codec:en att skapa en temporärfil på din hårddisk. Volymen "
"på vilken den här filen skapas bör ha tillräcklikt med fritt "
"utrymme (ungefär 4 MB).\n"
" En temporärfil behövs normalt sett bara om du vill "
"kvantisera JPEG-bilder till 256 färger.\n\n"
(set #make-assign
" Den logiska tilldelningen \"JPEGTMP:\" används för att "
"referera till lådan för temporära filer.\n"
" För att göra den här tilldelningen tillgänglig vid varje "
"systemstart så behöver ett \"Assign\"-kommando läggas till "
"i din \"user-startup\"-fil.\n\n"
(set #codec-message
"\n\n\nTower JPEG Codec Class\n\n"
"Upphovsrätt © 1994 Christoph Feck, TowerSystems\n"
"Alla rättigheter reserverade.\n\n\n\n"
"Var god läs dokumentationen för detaljer."
(set #jpeg-tmp-prompt
"Välj en låda för temporära filer, inte i RAM:"
(set #jpeg-startup-prompt
"En tilldelning måste läggas till i din user-startup."
(set #jpeg-copy "Kopierar %s...")
; The actual installaion script
; Check Kickstart version. Exit if not at least 3.0
(if (< (/ (getversion) 65536) 39)
(abort #bad-kick)
; Set to true if we did an update (old Visage.info found)
(set update 0)
; Since files probably are scatter installed, don't mention any specific location.
(set @default-dest "")
; Version of old program. This means no old program.
(set visagever 0)
(set visagerev 0)
; Greetings Mr. Falken...
(message #welcome)
; Ask the user what to install
(set install-files
(prompt #install-parts)
(help #install-parts-help "\n" @askoptions-help)
(default (if (= @user-level 2) 255 15))
; Ask the user for the location of all parts
(if (BITAND install-files 1)
(set visage-dest
(prompt #where-visage)
(help @askdir-help)
(default "Sys:Utilities")
(if (BITAND install-files 2)
(set guide-dest visage-dest)
(if (exists "Help:")
(set guide-dest "Help:")
(set guide-dest
(prompt #where-visage-guide)
(help @askdir-help)
(default guide-dest)
(set dest-guide-name (tackon guide-dest "Visage.guide.info"))
(set copy-guide-icon
(if (AND (= @user-level 2 ) (= (exists dest-guide-name) 0))
(prompt #copy-guide-icon)
(help " ")
(set languages 0)
; .ct
(if (BITAND install-files 4)
(set lang
(prompt #which-language)
(help #which-language-help "\n" @askoptions-help)
(default default-lang)
(if (BITAND install-files 240) ; 16 + 32 + 64 + 128
(set tool-dest
(prompt #where-tools)
(help #where-tools-help "\n" @askdir-help)
(default "C:")
; And now do the actual installation
(complete 0)
(if (BITAND install-files 1)
; Get the version of previously installed Visage
(if (= (exists (tackon visage-dest "Visage")) 1)
(set vernum (getversion (tackon visage-dest "Visage")))
(set visagever (/ vernum 65536))
(set visagerev (- vernum (* visagever 65536)))
(if (<= visagever 38)
(set visagever 39)
(set visagerev 0)
(prompt (#copy "Visage" visage-dest))
(source "Visage")
(dest visage-dest)
(if (= (exists (tackon visage-dest "Visage.info")) 0)
(source "Visage.info")
(dest visage-dest)
(set update 1)
(complete 20)
(if (BITAND install-files 2)
(working #convert-guide)
(run "C/FixAG Visage.guide T:Visage.Guide")
(prompt (#copy "Visage.guide" guide-dest))
(source "T:Visage.guide")
(dest guide-dest)
(delete "T:Visage.guide" (safe))
(if copy-guide-icon
(source "Visage.guide.info")
(dest guide-dest)
(complete 40)
; .ct
(if (BITAND install-files 4)
(set n 0)
(set language
(select n
(if (AND (IN lang n) (<> 0 n))
(set catalog
(tackon "Catalogs"
(tackon language "visage.catalog")
(set destination (tackon "Locale:Catalogs" language))
(prompt (#copy catalog destination))
(source catalog)
(dest destination)
(set n (+ n 1))
(complete 45)
(if (BITAND install-files 16)
(prompt (#copy "GetModeID" tool-dest))
(source "C/GetModeID")
(dest tool-dest)
(if (BITAND install-files 32)
(prompt (#copy "Kill" tool-dest))
(source "C/Kill")
(dest tool-dest)
(if (BITAND install-files 64)
(prompt (#copy "MakeLink" tool-dest))
(source "C/MakeLink")
(dest tool-dest)
(if (BITAND install-files 128)
(prompt (#copy "UnpackILBM" tool-dest))
(source "C/UnpackILBM")
(dest tool-dest)
(complete 50)
; JPEG codec installation
(if (BITAND install-files 8)
; Setup
(set libs-dest "LIBS:")
(set class-dest "SYS:Classes")
(if (not (exists class-dest))
(set class-dest "LIBS:")
; Welcome
(message #codec-message)
; JPEGTMP: assignment
(set has-temp 0)
(if (exists "JPEGTMP:" (noreq))
(set has-temp 1)
(if (= "RAM" (getdevice "JPEGTMP:"))
(set has-temp 0)
(if (= has-temp 0)
(set jpeg-tmp (askdir (help #temp-file) (prompt #jpeg-tmp-prompt) (default "SYS:")))
(startup "JPEG Codec"
(help #make-assign)
(prompt #jpeg-startup-prompt)
(command "Assign JPEGTMP: \"" jpeg-tmp "\"")
(makeassign "JPEGTMP" jpeg-tmp)
(complete 60)
; Install libraries and classes
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt (#jpeg-copy "tower.library"))
(source "Libs/tower.library")
(dest libs-dest)
(complete 70)
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt (#jpeg-copy "codec.class"))
(source "Classes/codec.class")
(dest class-dest)
(complete 80)
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt (#jpeg-copy "picture.codec"))
(source "Classes/Codecs/picture.codec")
(dest (tackon class-dest "Codecs"))
(complete 90)
(help @copylib-help)
(prompt (#jpeg-copy "jpeg.codec"))
(source "Classes/Codecs/jpeg.codec")
(dest (tackon class-dest "Codecs"))
; Exit
(run "Avail >Nil: FLUSH")
(if (AND update visagever)
(complete 95)
(set defaction 0)
(if (= visagerev 0)
(set defaction 2)
(if (= visagerev 1)
(set defaction 3)
(if (= visagerev 2)
(set defaction 4)
(set action
(prompt #program-update)
(choices #update-none
(#update-since "39.0")
(#update-since "39.1")
(#update-since "39.2")
(default defaction)
(help #program-update-help "\n" @askchoice-help)
(set tt39-1 "DITHER COMPACT TIME")
(set tt39-3 "INFO SHOWINFO")
; tackon doesn't seem to work within a "format string". :(
(set icon-dest (tackon visage-dest "Visage"))
(set tooltype-pattern
(select action
("%s %s %s" tt39-3 tt39-2 tt39-1)
("%s %s" tt39-3 tt39-2)
("%s" tt39-3)
(if (>= action 1)
(run ("C/UpdateTT Visage %s %s" icon-dest tooltype-pattern))
(complete 100)